Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Puppy Dog Keeps Following Me...

So... we got a dog! I am already learning so much through him. He has been a very wonderful addition to our family. He is so sweet!

He follows me EVERYWHERE!!! I walk to the kitchen, he follows. I walk to the office, he follows. I walk into my room and sit, he follows and lays down. He pretends to be sleeping, but then, I get up and ..... he follows! It amuses me and surprises me. I am his master, his provider, his caregiver. He depends on me for everything. Without me he will no longer thrive. His greatest desire is to be near me. He seeks me for affection, his needs, and sometimes just wants to know that I am near. It is, to me, just how life with God is.

Now, I've noticed something else. Sometimes he goes into a different room. For food, water, to check it out- whatever. But when I call him, he usually comes quickly. Then I know that all is well once again.

But then there are times that I call him, and he doesn't come. He does delay. I call again, and again.... hmmm...."Adam,(in the garden of Eden) where are you?" It is when he doesn't respond to me that I know that mischief is near. I find him and my suspicions are confirmed. He lowers his head and looks away. For he knows that what he has done is wrong. That is why he wasn't near me. People say dogs aren't so smart. But they know when they've done wrong. What a basic instinct that God puts in His creation. We know, naturally, when we are far from our master and out of His will.

But just like me and my dog. I desire to train him to obey. I want him to trust me and for him to know that my love for him is not conditional. And when he is in sin that I accept him back and love him still. But I will continue to train him in the ways that I want him to go!

Hope you enjoyed my puppy notes!


Anonymous said...

Now that is a great picture of God's grace, patients and love!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your comment. I love to write about the things that God is teaching me. I am blessed in return when I know that other's read these things and can be blessed too (not by me but through me- all good things come from God!).