Saturday, December 22, 2007

JESUS.... LORD at thy Birth!

When listening to the Silent Night, part of the lyrics struck me...

Jesus, Lord at thy Birth
Jesus, Lord at thy Birth

Wow! He was born a King! At his birth He was Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
They day He came he was perfected in his power.

I think of how most people in our world strive to become something significant. They strive for success, power, status. They want to be... more.

Yet, Jesus, was born with all that He'd ever be. He wasn't the coming King. He had arrived. He wasn't the Prince... coming soon. He wasn't the someday hopeful. He was Lord, at His birth! Then he spent the next 30 years on earth showing humility, patience, love, and kindness. He wasn't striving for power. He was on a mission to love. To save. To heal. He was Lord, at his birth.

Oh Come Let us adore Him!!! He is worthy!

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