Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The noise is so loud

The noise in my head is so loud today that I have to turn up the music to drown out my mental chaos. I hate when I let the worries of my small world overshadow the power of my Lord. I pray that I will re-allow Him his rightful place in my life... the drivers seat. Lord let me trust the red, green, and yellow lights. Let me not fear the fiercly scary trials. Help me to take courage, knowing that you have overcome the world. Help me to fix my eyes on you Jesus. Awake my heart in the morning with songs of praise on my lips. Lift my eyes unto heaven. I worship you alone!


beBOLDjen said...

Hi Corrie,

I didn't recognize your name until I visited your blog.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I really appreciated your comment about Christmas. I am glad you had a wonderful one.

Thanks for speading the word about our adoption fundraiser.

I enjoy your blog!

Corrie H said...

thanks Jen. I can't wait to see what God does in your adoption fundraising! I pray that many will give with generous hearts, to give one more precious child a loving home!