Saturday, November 10, 2007

Worries of the world grow dim in the light of eternity.

Perspective.... a wonderful thing!

As worries and trials of the past few months continued to mount this past week, I got a breathe of fresh air. I snuck away, last minute, to California to surprise my mom for her birthday. I got to do what I love best... make a difference.... serve others....

I was able to visit my grandma in the convalescent hospital and cheer her with my 4 kiddos. She seemed happy for the unexpected visit. She is still there through the holiday. Unfortunately her skin graph isn't healing very well in a few places. When she regains her strength they will do another surgery. This is very upsetting to her. She is weary from health challenges and has a grim outlook on her life. We will keep praying. I plan on visiting again in December and I am hoping for some one on one time with her to share the promises that God has for her and the gift of eternal life that He has offered her.

I was also able to help my uncle, my mom's oldest brother, with some housekeeping extreme overhaul. It blessed me to make a dent in the physical chaos that he lives in daily.

The visit to Ca didn't change anything financially for us. It didn't make the burdens lighter. It didn't lessen the strain. Humorously enough, those things increased, as I had to replace 4 tires that were VERY bare. Yikes!

Now... for my point. When I am home and focused on my circumstances and frustrations, I am focused on my own life and struggling through. But by going to help someone else, it wasn't about me, my worries and struggles.

The absolute icing on the cake was the time that I spent with a very dear friend of mine. As we went for a walk, I decided to ask her (since I didn't know for sure) if she'd ever accepted the Lord as her Savior. She said no, so I asked her if she'd like to. She did! I am so excited for her. Ahhh, the assurance of salvation. Seeing first hand someone accept Christ and decide to stop living for themselves and start living an adventure for God. It renews my faith. Reminds me of where my focus needs to be. That I am to fix my eyes on Jesus. Not turning to the left or right.

Thus, my worries in this world have grown strangely dim
in the light of eternity.

Luke 10:2 He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

1 comment:

Adjunct Jenny said...

Awesome post--love to trade our worldly perspective for eternal perspective!