Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday to Me!

Thirty…. Thirsty……The only difference is the letter “S”.

Now that I am 31 I find that I am thirsty…. A lot! Maybe it’s from being in Arizona. Maybe it’s from getting older. Maybeit’s because I’m a mom and always trying to gain attentionover the voices of my 4 children. Whatever the reason may be, it is a fact. I need more… I am thirsty.

But I am also thirsty in a different way. More than ever before,I am thirsty for Jesus. Thirsty for his words of wisdom, His healing touch, His comfort, His peace and His ability to transformme from the inside out. I am seeing that my thirst is unquenchable.I can’t get enough of Him. It’s not like air though. Air, you pretty much notice right away when it is gone. Seconds after its absence you are soberly aware that you are without it. Water on the other hand is a bit different. You can go awhile. You can satisfy yourself with other things for a short time. But all of the sudden it sneaks up on you. You notice a little dryness. Though parched, I am still able to carry on. I think about it more now. Each task has passing moments that are reminders that I have yet to take a drink. Yet more busyness crowds out the task of getting the water my body desperately needs.

Just stop. Take a quick moment and drink. Replenish. Drink it in. Wow! That was really good. Maybe I’ll have another serving. Now that I drink, I feel as though I could do nothing but this. What was I doing anyways? My mind is now totally focused on drinking the water. Not to quench my thirst though, but because it is so good.

Maybe I’ll leave the water out. Later I will pass by it. I will stop and take a drink. I will pass by many times, and take many drinks.

Something so good, so simple, and so plentiful is available to me eachday. I pray that in this next year my life will be filled with a thirstfor Jesus like never before. May my time with Him leave me thirsting for more. Let this not be a season of self-sufficient drought. Rather, days spent beside still and deep waters with my Shepard.

Who are you following? What are you thirsting after? There is only one who is wildly crazy in love with you. He pursues your heart. Without Him… life is… Dry.

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