Sunday, February 17, 2008

Official "Celebrating Mom's who said NO!" Day!

Just wanted to give a big shout out of congratulations, kudos, and "you go girl" to all the women out there who I admire most....

*The ones who say "No".

*The ones who see that what God has called them to in the home is "Enough".

*The ones who live for an audience of One. And march to the beat of an exhausting, often thankless drum.

*The ones who bypass the praise and the accolades of the latest accomplishment at work, in ministry, for pulling off the grand pubba that the rest of us had a blast just showing up to.

*The ones who don't get a pay raise, a corner office, a pension, or a promotion.

*The ones with the title of "mom", "mommy", "honey, can you..."

*The ones who don't have their name in the program, in the credits, or in the paper for community's greatest achievements

*They aren't asked to cut the red ribbon by the mayor, and they aren't offered the key to the city

I got an email the other day from one of my mentors whom I have thee greatest love and respect for. She was asking for my input on how to reach out to women who need hope, who need Jesus, who need mentorship.

I told her that these are women everywhere. The saved and unsaved. Even we as Christians, we are daily struggling to hear the still voice of our loving Saviour. We yearn to carve out moments in the stillness of His presence. We long for a brief escape from the loudness of life, while we are drowning in a sea of distraction. (It reminds me of the book by C.S. Lewis "Screwtape Letters"). When my day is cluttered with too much activity and overcommittment, I just want Jesus. When my ministry chores are overwhelming me, just give me Jesus. I love Ann Graham Lotz's study "Just give me Jesus". She talks about a whole list of struggles she had just come through. I love what she says. "I don't want to quit, I don't want to escape.... Just give me Jesus".

I can't say that I don't ever want to quit or escape, but her wisdom reminds me that Jesus is all that I need. I am truly desperate for Him. And I find that is a perfect place to be.

But, back to my message reply to my friend. I feel that most women long to make a difference. To leave their mark. To impact this world. To live a passionate and purposeful life. They want to count for something. But I know that, myself being included in this group, also have a very big fear. What if, at the end of it all... I missed it. What if I did all of the things that I thought I was supposed to and I missed the most important one of all. I feel like I am called in so many directions, but I can't do them all well, actually I end up failing miserably in most of them. How do I give my time, my love, my passion to so many different areas without sacrificing my very best effort. I want my love for God to shine through in all that I do, but often find that I am so tired at the end of it all, that loving is a far cry from what I actually am.

I am a wife. I am a mom. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a friend. I am an employee. I am a mentor. I am a disciple. I am a servant. I am one who needs help. I am in a bible study, a home team, a homeschool group, and a helper to the team mom.

My heart's desire and greatest calling is to be a keeper of my home, showing the love of Jesus (because I am being filled with it by Him moment to moment) to all I encounter in my home. Yet, I am never home. And I am most certainly not full. Even when I have just been filled, I don't have a slow leak, I seem to have an immediate release valve! Even when I am home, sometimes I am not even here. I am in "teacher mode". Or in "work mode". Or the ever present "chore mode".

I haven't always been so out of balance as I presently am. But it has always been a struggle. If I don't have music piped into my brain pushing out words of praise and worship, I am quickly distracted. If my day is too lazy or too agenda stacked ungodliness is quick to follow. I find that I often become selfish in my selflessness. When I serve, and don't rest by still waters, I am then weary. When I am weary and don't cast my burden to the One who can lighten my load, I get grumpy. When I get grumpy I am not much good at all.

So, in conclusion, I will continue to weigh out life's choices. Seeking my Jesus's face to decipher between the good things life has for me vs. His perfect will. Often having to ignore the urgent for now, to focus on the important. But through all the choices and decisions. The seeking and searching, when I am tired and spent, my heart still calls the same...


(This is the part where you take a moment to comment to me YOUR thoughts on this topic. What do you think? Is your life like this? Do you see it different? Can't wait to hear about it!)
p.s. I love you all so much, and REALLY thank you for stopping by to share my heart!

1 comment:

Corrie H said...

THANK YOU So much for leaving me what is on YOUR heart! Love, Corrie