Thursday, January 24, 2008

Swirling thoughts on my rollercoaster ride

I didn't write last week because I was heeding the advice of my mother from childhood
"if you don't have something nice to say, then say nothing at all..."

I feel like my emotions are on an extreme roller coaster ride. If I don't get off this ride soon I think I'm gonna be sick!

Walking through the hardest parts, I was strong and faith filled. I was reading God's Word daily and low and behold---- I was encouraged. He lifted my eyes and my burden.

A week of not being in His word and guess what.... I feel loaded down with my yoke again.

God has taught me so much the last few weeks. I don't have the time or mental clarity to share it right now, but I promise that I will. I was supposed to start schooling the kids an hour ago.

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